Pharma-Care, Inc. / The Rasa Group, Inc
Corporate Office: 500 Craig Road, Suite 104, Manalapan, NJ 07726
Main Phone - (732) 574-9015 -:- Clark Fax: 732-499-6778
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Ambulatory Surgery Centers
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- General supervision on policies and procedures for the direction, provision, and quality of all pharmaceutical services.
- Supervision of the procurement, storage, disposition, and administration of medications, needles, and syringes.
- Supervision of the records of receipt and disposition of all drugs.
- Drug regimen and medical records review.
- Recommendations, plans for implementation, and continual assessment through dated, signed reports.
- Availability for participation in Quality Assurance, Pharmaceutical Service, Infection Control, and Utilization Review Committees.
- Supervision of the procurement, storage, disposition, and administration of medications, needles, and syringes.
- Review of medical records and of all areas where medications are dispensed, administered, stored, or destroyed.
- Supervision of the records of receipt and disposition of all controlled drugs.
- Recommendations, plans for implementation, and continual assessment through dated, signed reports.
- Drug regimen reviews focusing on potential adverse reactions, drug interactions, medication dosages, pharmacodynamics, and pharmacokinetics.
- Pharma-Care, Inc., is an active member in the Assisted Living industry. Our services include medication evaluation, patient education, counseling and participation in "brown bag" and Health Fair days.
- Pharma-Care, Inc. provides education to all staff members to enrich their professional knowledge. Many of our pharmacists are certified to teach the Medication Aide Training Program and meet continuing education requirements by the New Jersey State Department of Health.
- Our consultants are trained to assist the facility staff in implementing policies and procedures in order to comply with both state and federal regulatory guidelines.
- Medication Regimen Review: A key component of our role is the monthly on-site MRR. This is a comprehensive process in which the consultant reviews the residents' charts to monitor for medication efficacy, adverse drug reactions, side effects of the medication and therapeutic outcomes.
- Quality Improvement: Our consultants work with each facility on their quality improvement programs. Our reporting system identifies and trends areas that may be out of compliance for the facility.
- Cost Containment and Formulary Management Programs: Cost is a vital component to any organization.

The Electronic Pharmacist Information Consultant (E.P.I.C.) is a unique pharmacy consulting service offered exclusively by Pharma-Care, Inc.; in NJ and their sister company Creative Care Consulting, LLC, in other states. E.P.I.C. Services provides a comprehensive medication review of a resident within 48 hours of receipt.
E.P.I.C. is a proactive service that promotes positive outcomes for residents and facilities.
E.P.I.C. assists with compliance in addition to the monthly consultant visit.
E.P.I.C. services other healthcare facilities, not only long-term care.
E.P.I.C. Reviews are available to non-client facilities as well.
- Medication Therapy Management (MTM) is a service provided by a clinical pharmacist. MTM is more than answering questions when you pick up a prescription. During this service, a clinical pharmacist will meet with you one-on-one, by appointment, to review all of your medications.
- Who should schedule MTM services with a Continual Care pharmacist? Anyone who uses prescription medication, over-the-counter medications, herbal products, or other dietary supplements may benefit from MTM services.
- Your CC-MTM pharmacist is a medication expert, with years of advanced training about how medications can work to improve your health and is trained to help you use your medications correctly.
- Prevent accidents by identifying employees taking potentially impairing medications.
- Advising employers on how and what drugs can affect a worker’s ability and safety on the job.

Many states now require a consultant pharmacist, qualified in all areas of medication safety and efficacy.
AMDC services:
- Medication Regimen Review: this is a comprehensive process in which the consultant reviews the client’s charts to monitor for medication efficacy, adverse drug reactions, side effects of the medication and therapeutic outcomes.
- Inspecting medication storage areas.
- Educating staff and/or residents upon request
- Help establish written policies and procedures for medication use and storage
- Identifying and helping with pharmacy service issues.
- Ensuring medical day care compliance of pharmacy standards in respect to expectation from regulatory agencies.
- Medication administration review (if meds are being administered at program)

"Today's advanced drug therapies are creating medical miracles - able to stamp out serious illness and disease or manage chronic conditions. From this era in medicine, a whole new specialty has emerged - the pharmacy consultant. These professionals work alongside physicians and nurses to provide safe and effective medication review and management for patients."